Parents addicted to their smartphones may be raising less intelligent children. That statistic comes from a new study that shows that an infant’s concentration suffers when a parent’s eyes wander. …
When anyone talks about a drug problem in America, the first thing that comes to mind is heroin, crack cocaine and marijuana. We might mentally picture people walking up to …
Death with dignity. It’s a phrase that’s been in the news a lot lately and clearly holds a different meaning for each of us. And it’s a concept that has …
Have you heard? Shots aren’t just for children anymore. Even as the controversy rages over whether parents should vaccinate their babies and toddlers, many doctors are now advising grandparents to …
There are times when you see your medical bill after a hospital stay for a treatment or procedure, and it makes you sick all over again. Unless you pay, there …
In this election year marred by anger and division, perhaps it would be beneficial to take a break from the vitriol and instead talk about happiness. Unfortunately, happiness is in …
Tweeting, retweeting pics and videos. Creating self-aggrandizing Facebook posts. Getting coached on the best way to take a glamorous selfie. At first glance, it looks like heavy social media users …
Few topics hit a nerve and evoke such a heated and emotional response as the vaccination/anti-vaccination debate in this country. At first glance, protecting kids from childhood diseases seems like …
Ah, sleep. Rest assured, few things are better than the feeling of snuggling into your warm cozy bed for eight hours of blissful uninterrupted sleep. How do we know? According …
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on average, US residents can expect to live to about 78 year of age, which is an all-time high. Studies …